Danish Food Culture and Cooking Recipes

*A Part of the Danish Cultural Heritage*
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Danish Recipes Index
Danish Specialities and Recipes
Deliciously Authentic Danish Dishes
Danish Heritage Cooking & Historic Danish Recipes
Danish Recipes requested and chosen by our Visitors!
"Stegt Flæsk" - Fried Pork Belly
"Stegt Flæsk" - Prime National Dish
"Frikadelle" - Danish Meatballs
"Frikadelle" with potatoes - National dish
"Rød Grød med Fløde"
Red berry pudding - National dessert
Apple Pork - "Æbleflæsk"
Apple Pork - "Æbleflæsk"
Filled patty shells - National dish
Danish Remoulade
Homemade "Remoulade"
"Brændende Kærlighed"
Burning Love - National dish
Smoked Mackerel - Raw Egg Yoke
Smoked Mackerel - Egg Yoke - Potatoes
"Koldskål" - Frigid Buttermilk
Old country dessert - and National dish
"Boller i Karry"
Pork Meatballs in (mild) Curry
"Skinke – grønlangkål og brune kartofler"
Ham & Kale Stew with Caramelised Potatoes
Danish Liverpaste - "Leverpostej"
--Velbekomme - Enjoy your meal!


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